“But it’s a long, long while from May to December
And the days grow short when you reach September
And the autumn weather turns the leaves to flame
And I haven’t got time for the waiting game”.
September Song: Lyrics by Maxwell Anderson, Recorded by many.
I could change the month May to March and it would cover the time amassed so far with the COVID-19 pandemic. I’m sure the words written had nothing to do with a once in a lifetime health crisis but I often think of this song as we wait.
When I look back on my first week in March and how I was not concerned at all about the news that there was a virus in China. Oh, nothing will develop while I am golfing for three weeks with Ruth in Sun City.
How wrong I was! We had no more than three games, two at Palmbrook and one at Riverview when I received the call. An SOS from Bridget, ” Get on the first flight you can back to Calgary. “
You may read the past posts on the COVID-19 pandemic below.
1. Self-isolation – What to do? 2.After self isolating. 3. Keeping Sane In A Pandemic 4. Six Months Of COVID-19 – WEAR A MASK AND WASH YOUR HANDS.

Well it is now nine months since I was in isolation after returning from Sun City. Originally we thought it was maybe a month before this pandemic was under control. Then we went into some degree of lockdown for curbing the first phase. Things opened up and for me the major issue was we could now golf, with few restrictions. The main ones were a single person per golf car and keeping distancing. The second one was to keep the flag in the hole for safety in personal transmission of the virus. The summer months flew by and across Canada the rounds of golf played were up by 28%. As one of the safest places for sports this wasn’t surprising. Also with many people working from home there were many people who took up the game for the first time. A bad pandemic… but a good way to grow golf in this country.
I was able to stay at home except for a few health related appointments since mid March. Bridget and Megan were exceptionally kind in procuring my groceries for me all these months. The trips to Invermere were my only outings.
1. Golfing Columbia Valley BC and Young Golfers Today 2. Copper Point’s Ridge and Eagle Ranch 3. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE COPPER POINT GOLF.
Now we are into phase two of the pandemic. And things are not getting better. With the fantastic news that researchers have developed TWO vaccines with a 95% effectiveness. One vaccine is authorized for use in Canada but we are not out of the woods yet. Some new restrictions have just been put in place, finally, in provinces where the COVID cases have sky rocketed. Will they be enough to get us through the few months until the vaccine will be inoculated into enough arms to make a difference in containing the virus? Time will tell.
Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting. I hope to be able to play Bridge with my “bidders” in September, 2021.

As for now I will try to be positive, stay safe, wash my hands and wear a MASK.

Christmas will be quiet this year but we will make up for it next year.
How ever you celebrate the holidays I wish you all good health, good friends and good times in 2021.
Maureen O’Shea
Merry Christmas! Wishing you and yours a healthy holiday season!
Thanks Jas. Have a safe holiday to you and yours. We can celebrate next year.