Golfing in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains
Las Vegas …. Week Two
We had some chilly days in week two but that didn’t stop us from going shopping. Lisa and I went to Golf Galaxy and although there weren’t any purchases made there was an offering of lessons by LPGA pro Tara that Lisa was planning to check out later. We stopped at a hair salon and made a booking for some color for Friday. (Not very successful). The mall with Macy’s at one end and Dillard’s at the other end was our next stop. Lisa needed a pump for her bicycle tire and we stopped at Dick’s Sporting Goods to no avail. We decided to take Tropicana all the way past the Strip to Las Vegas Golf and Tennis some eight miles away. It was interesting. I tried on a pair of golf shoes and that was a mistake. They went back four days later as they were too heavy.
It was a bit cool for golf but Tracy managed a couple of games while we kept close watch on the weather forecast. Lisa and I planned to go to St. George and golf at Sky Mountain but the forecast was for a high of +10C with wind warnings. So we opted instead for golfing at Coyote Springs on Sunday, November 13. The forecast high was +15C with a bit of wind.
Off the three of us went Sunday morning just after 9 a.m. We had a nice sunny drive up #93 highway off I-15. There were clouds ahead of us to the NW when we arrived at the golf course. And it was windy. Lisa hopped out of the SUV to take a picture and she nearly blew away!

This is the entrance off the highway to Coyote Springs.
It was COLD, it was WINDY. It was REALLY WINDY. We went to the driving range and it was so windy it was hard to stand let alone hit any balls so we went back to the Starter at Hole #1. He said we could join the couple of guys on the first tee. We drove up and they immediately drove off down the fairway. As hopeful as we were that the wind would, maybe, let up — it was not to be. Tracy and I golfed the 18 holes and Lisa tried to keep warm on the golf car while chauffeuring me to all of my shots. (I gave her my rain pants and the extra jacket I had but I think she was still cold). Tracy hits a high ball and had more trouble than my shots that day as I don’t hit that high a ball. I was so sorry that the day was so miserable as the course has such a beautiful layout.

We were so happy to get into the SUV and get the heater on. Lisa took a great picture on the way back to L.V.
We had tacos from Tacotarian that Tracy picked up and they were SO good. On Tuesday, Lisa and I were out checking glasses frames and we went there to have lunch. It was so delicious and such a cool place.

Heading for the desert on a cold, snowy November morning
Fun in the sun with WestJet
Just my take on good food.
The World Is Full Of Good People
We were always ready to help anyone in need. Doc often stopped and helped people having “car trouble”. We also were helped by other people. I want to tell you about two occasions where a “car” of ours was instrumental in RECEIVING help, not just once but twice.
First of all the vehicle was the 1978 Pontiac Grand Safari trailering special. 3/4 ton rear end. Air shocks. Heavy duty front brakes. The nicest possible wagon in the GM group. I remember all the lights on the dashboard and even inside floor lights by the doors.
Helper Number One
Doc knew of a Triple E Motorhome that had been in an accident in Alberta and was written off by the insurance company. It was in a auto wrecking shop in Calgary. Doc had phoned to see what damage there was to this motorhome and they told him the frame was damaged. Doc could not see how the frame could be damaged from the accident. So we thought it was worth fixing and drove our 1978 Pontiac to Calgary to see for ourselves the damage.
With metal measuring tape on Saturday morning we were heading to NE Calgary on the Deerfoot when the station wagon slowed down and stopped. No warning. No lights, Nothing.
Within minutes a young fellow, originally from Newfoundland stopped in his pickup truck to see if he could help. He asked where we were going and said, let’s just leave your car here and I’ll take you where you need to go and back. I’ll call a tow truck then.
Away we go with him to the Auto Wreckers. Doc and I found the motorhome (at the far end of the lot) and we crawled underneath and measured the frame. ALL WAS SQUARE.
Our new friend took us back to our car and he called a mechanic he knew to have him meet us at his shop. The tow truck driver took the Pontiac to the shop and the mechanic soldered the clip on the distributor…..the problem was fixed. We were back to our friends home, the Way’s, after a long day. Many thanks to our friend from Newfoundland.
Helper Number Two
Destination Bridger Bowl, Bozeman, Montana
School was out for the Christmas break and the kids were anxious to go skiing. So we packed up the station wagon and drove to Billings after work on the Friday. An overnight stay at the Holiday Inn and after breakfast we were heading west on Interstate 90 when we passed the town of Laurel. The Pontiac stopped. No lights. Nothing.

West Railroad Street at I-90 was where we were stopped. What to do? Well, the two oldest kids left walking down that street back into Laurel to see if they could find a tow truck. (This was before cel phones).

Murray and Lisa
Neil and his friend Bill were driving downtown for their Sunday morning coffee and saw these two youngsters and asked if they needed anything. “ A tow truck”, they said. “Our car has quit on the Interstate.” Neil said “there is no tow truck here but I’ll go and bring your car into town.” So into town he towed our car. “I think we can have a good look at what’s wrong in my garage,” said Neil. Doc said that this had happened back in Calgary and we should look at the distributor. Sure enough that was the problem. “But, NAPA doesn’t open until 11 a.m. so come on in for coffee”, said Neil. Into the house we trooped. Marie, Neil’s wife, had the coffee ready in no time.
Now these people were really good people. Their home was probably built in the 1940’s, very small, white clapboard and they were far from being well to do. What they had was generosity. Marie said they had done what little Christmas shopping they could afford and she had money for a new dress. She had a sister down the street that she and I went to visit. Her sister had bought a string of colored Christmas lights she was so proud of and had put them in her window. Back to the house and we must have had at least two pots of coffee before 11 a.m. Then the guys went to NAPA

In no time the new part was installed and of course Neil was taking no money for all his help. Doc did manage to put a couple of $20’s on his workbench in the garage. We were so thankful for the family we found in Laurel, Montana. We were off to Bozeman by noon and the next day the kids got skiing. The next time we were on our way to Bridger Bowl we stopped, to thank them again, but no one was home.

The world is full of good people. I just told you a couple of “good people” stories.