I must admit I love to golf in the Valley Of The Sun. Although late fall has most of the courses in “over-seeded mode” as it is commonly called there. Well some places they have punched the fairways and/or the greens! Other courses they have let the grass grow with a generous amount of water and perhaps fertilizer and/or other chemicals. Tee times were hard to come by as many of the courses are shut down for this maintenance schedule.
From my research I found a few articles – Fall Over-Seeding / Winter Golf courses
The most popular method of keeping the golf course green through a Southwest winter is to over-seed with perennial ryegrass. Thanks to the beautiful dark green the ryegrass provides, it is felt that the winter grass is more appealing than their summer grass!
The optimum time to over-seed the grass in Arizona is during the first two weeks of October, or when the evening temperatures consistently stay below 65 degrees.
I noticed the rough on all the courses we played was really thick with this ryegrass. The ball just stuck in this tangled mixture. It was hard to get an iron through it!
However, Ruth and I managed to find tee times to suit our needs and/or wants. We played one course four times before we realized we should be playing from a different set of tees! The sun was bright and we had NO clouds for almost the entire three weeks. I love to get up early and make the coffee. I try to take pictures of the sunrises on the golf course, however here is one from the front patio.
A BIG SURPRISE……Abi and I were trying jto get a tee time for a week to no avail. Time was running out on her stay in AZ so we decided to get together instead at TOP GOLF to hit balls and have a bite to eat. Abi called to say she was stuck in traffic and could Ruth and I go ahead and she and Amanda would meet us there. We arrived at 4:00 p.m. and waited….4:30 p.m. came and even 5:00 p.m……no sign of them ….AND then who walks in the front door but BRIDGET with Abi and Amanda. They were not stuck in traffic but at the Airport picking up Bridget. I was totally prepared to see Abi after more than a year but to see them both I was over the moon. We had a fun evening with Abi the big winner in the golf. After eats everyone came to Ruth’s for more chatting.

Charity Golf Tournament
Ruth and I played in a tournament at her home club on November 20. 2021. We played with a fellow and his grandmother. We came in last and got a huge bag of goodies. The young fellow couldn’t find the fairway with his drives except ONE and that happened to be the longest drive winner; a free golf lesson!

Exit Sun City and on to California
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