The day finally arrived to go to Kelowna and Murray was my excellent chauffeur for my trip to the Calgary airport. Every time I fly from here to Kelowna changes have been made and this was no exception. With West Jet the self check in’s we’re not processing baggage tags so there was a very large line up to check our baggage. I, of course had my golf clubs and they have moved the oversize baggage receptacle. I finally found it and it is now on the main aisle and has a ramp for better loading.
In 47 minutes I was in Kelowna with a big hug from awaiting Bridget. Mats was parking the car and in no time, he was back giving me a big Mats hug as well.
Bridget asked me if I wanted to go out on the lake in the boat to watch Lily practice wake surfing. I was so excited to go and equally excited to watch Lily shred that surf and perform her latest tricks. We were alone on the lake for quite a long time until Lily finished her practice time. She is off to Texas for a competition this week end.
There is something about the difference in humidity between Calgary and Kelowna with the water around you that makes me sleep like a baby when I am there. Or is it the comfort of being being at Bridget’s but the first night I slept till after 9 a.m.
Breakfast is waiting for me and the news that we are golfing at noon at Predator Ridge. By the time we were at the first tee it was pouring rain. No going back, so we teed off and by the time I got to my ball it quit raining! We had a few reoccurrence of “sprinkles” but never got wet! It is such an awesome course and the three of us had a great time.

Picture #1 is of course the first hole, Picture #2 is the first time I played Predator in l2016 and Picture #3 is 2023.
We played the Harvest golf course on Thursday and the Spallumcheen golf course on Friday and I can e back home on Saturday. Thanks BK/EA I had so much fun as we had great food, good company and I had super sleeps! Our Scrabble games were challenging, two people, Keiko from Japan and Joey from Mexico whose first language was certainly not English. And they did an awesome job.

Bridget, Keiko, Joey, Mats and I took the photo.
I was in Kelowna from August 8-12 and since then the Okanagan has been fighting major wildfires. West Kelowna and even parts of Kelowna have suffered major losses from fires in homes and buildings. So far my family there is safe. We are all thankful for the hard work the many fire fighters are doing to contain these fires. Hopefully with cooler weather more fires can be put out. BC and the NWT both have major fires burning.
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