I’m officially 85 – – and it took quite awhile to get here. hahaha!
When I was just two, no one would have thought I would live as long as I have – – it was questionable if I would make it through the night. The earliest recollection I have is the smell of the of the medicine Dr. Monkman concocted for me to breath. There wasn’t any antibiotics back in 1936 but my doctor mixed whatever he thought might help me. Somehow they made a tent of the bedding to enable a make-shift vaporizer for me to inhale this medication. Whatever that was, it really stunk but apparently it worked! My siblings took turns of sitting me up and patting my back to accelerate my coughing out the phlegm. It was my brother Gerald who was patting my back when I actually became conscious from the coma-like state I was in. I said, “stop hitting me Gerald”. He laughed and called everyone to tell them that I was going to live. It really was a miracle that I survived. Maybe that’s where I got my fighting spirit!
As you know from previous posts my 28 years with Doc had many challenges. However I have so much to be thankful for: I am extremely fortunate to have four healthy children who have grown to be well educated, hard working, kind, considerate, loving, generous people. Saskatchewan born and raised. And Roughrider proud.
Last week was extra special. My daughter Lisa was finally at home in San Diego after working 98% of the year in the Virgin Islands. Unbeknown to me Lisa, Gordon and Elizabeth arrived here on Thursday. Bridget loves surprises and what better place to surprise her shopping loving Mom than at the Chinook Center. Saturday morning after Colleen took me for a manicure, Bridget and Lily picked me up and we went to the Bay to meet Colleen. Low and behold and to my surprise, we were walking down to the dress department and I turned back to see where everyone had gone, and there was Lisa with Elizabeth. I hadn’t seen Lisa for two years.

At the Bay having fun.
Saturday night was the big Birthday party at Bridgets

Lily made a wall hanging of red and white flowers with big 8 and 5 numbers in balloons. How cool was that? So much fun with family and friends. Good food and drinks. Mrs. Butlers chocolate cakes made by Elizabeth, Gordon’s daughter. How fantastic was that for a 13 year old? There was more love than you can imagine with all four of my kids and four grandkids there along with many friends.
To top it all off the Saskatchewan Roughriders won their game and are now in 1st place in the Western Conference. The game was on TV (mute) however nobody seemed to be watching but cheers and clapping were heard when WE scored!

Dinner on Sunday night at Colleen’s and burgers at the National on Monday made for more good times. I was sad to say goodbye to Lisa, Gordon and Elizabeth as they left for San Diego on Tuesday but so happy, happy to have them here for my Birthday.

At 85 I eat well, exercise (almost) regularly, play Bridge with seven women and play golf whenever the weather co-operates. I’m so thankful for the past 20 years I’ve been in Calgary that I’ve had Bridget to take me to eye appointments etc. and generally keep me in line. Murray is always there when needed and for the past year Colleen has been a help too. I am so lucky.

I’ll be heading south to golf soon. More stories to come.
Happiest of birthdays young lady!!
Thanks Jas
You are an inspiration to all !
Happy we were able to celebrate your 85th with you and your beautiful family !
Enjoy your time ⛳️ down South!
Michelle I want to thank you for coming to celebrate with me, my family and friends. It certainly was a party and the big surprise of Lisa, Gordon and Elizabeth coming from San Diego made it extra special. I want you to know that I’m only a couple of weeks away from having chocolate! And a cup of real coffee. Thanks Michelle, Ian and the kids for being part of the clan. Love you.