When I wrote In Sight – or Nowhere in Sight I put in a link to the Chromax website and I also sent them a Tweet in case they wanted to read my post. It was about the visibility of golf balls — or how they sometimes just can’t be seen.
I promptly had an email from Chromax, from a woman named Maureen:
Hi Maureen,
Chromax’s green O.V. Optimal Visibility golf ball
Thanks very much for the very kind Chromax® mention and photo in your blog! It is much appreciated.
As a thank you, I would be happy to personally send you an O.V. 6-pack. Please email me the best mailing address for you and I will send out on Monday.
Thank you again for testing and writing about Chromax®. The green O.V. is my personal favorite, but everyone has a color that works best for their keen or not so keen eyes. As you know, they are U.S.G.A. and R&A approved. They are invented by a physicist, materials engineer and scratch golfer so visibility and performance are very important to us.
Kindest regards,
True to her word (and with a name like “Maureen” that was no surprise, ha ha!) she had them in the mail to me that day. I received six O.V. balls in total: three green and three gold. O.V., by the way, stands for Optimal Visibility and they are so sparkly that it’s hard to take a picture of them.
I could’t wait to try them out.

Ready to chip the Chromax ball
Playing the Chromax O.V.
Yesterday I played at the Elbow Springs Golf Club. That’s when I tried out the green Chromax O.V. golf ball — and it was BRILLIANT.
I was part of a foursome with three guys: David, Roy and Martin. Before teeing up the green O.V. ball, I decided I would play it on some holes to test it and its optimal visibility — and it’s so pretty, I certainly didn’t want to lose it on my first shot!
I was careful to play it where there was an open fairway with neither trees or water to abscond with my ball. When I drove it for the first time, my ball ended up in the rough, just ahead of David’s ball. Even in the rough, there was no mistaking where it was. It was there, shining brilliantly. In fact, Martin wasn’t sure what that shining object was up there in the rough, and picked it up before I got to it.
Shining Brightly
“Oh it’s a ball!” he said. I said, “Yes it’s a ball, it’s the ball I just played, the Chromax O.V.,” and went on to tell them all about it.
The rough was no obstacle: my wedge shot was pure and landed close to the flag. And you could make no mistaking which ball was mine. With four balls on the green, my sparkling Chromax ball could be seen shining brightly from 75 yards down the fairway! None of them would be playing the wrong ball, that’s for sure.

Fall colours are out. This is the Elbow 4th Hole. My ball was closest to the pin of the four and we were all on the green.
On the 2nd hole I hit my drive just as far as I hit my Titleist ProV1 on that hole — and also on the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 9th holes. I am very impressed with my Chromax ball: it’s SO visible in the air — especially when it is coming down about 150-185 yards from the tee.
It was a warm, bright sunny day and I found it easy to follow the ball in this weather. The guys I played with also said that it is very easy to see in the air and to follow the flight.
Next time out, I think I’ll try out the gold ball.
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