Or maybe not!
How many times can you wash that kitchen floor in five weeks? Well I guess that all depends. If you were one of the lucky people during this pandemic who has yeast and flour you could get get busy and bake. Now baking bread or buns may or may not get your kitchen floor dirty but after my first batch my floor was. Of course if I hadn’t learned from my dear sister in law Dorothy to throw the dough up in the air three times I probably wouldn’t have blown that flour that was left on the counter onto the floor.
I baked buns three times, washed kitchen floor three times.

A project a lot of us attempted was making face masks. No problem for me, I’ve been sewing for 70 odd years. HaHaha! I found some nice material in my stash and in 30 minutes I had the first one done. No problem. Second mask would be easy peasy. Turned up Disc 2, Anne Murray, Country Croonin’ and I’m singing along. Zing, zing,zing, zing goes the machine and I’m turning the three layered rectangle right side up and STOP. I’ve got the elastics that go behind the ear on the inside instead of the outside! One half an hour I’ve got the whole thing torn apart, stitch by stitch and start over. Time for the second mask: one hour thirty minutes,

2nd project: My kitchen clock started gaining time ( one hour a day) a couple of weeks ago. I changed the battery and it gained even more time. Now this is not your ordinary clock. I bought in Hawaii in 1987 and it has a golf course scene. I like this clock. I will fix it. I looked online and found several motors 2.2” x 2.2” x.6” at a reasonable price. Good. I’ll take it apart before I order the motor. No problem getting the five screws out that holds the back onto the front. I took the glass off the front and put it aside. I then take off the second, minute and hour hands and proceed to take out the motor. Now this motor is very tight in the opening on the back. I have a variety of screwdrivers that I used and I pry and I pry and I pry. TWO hours later I have the motor out. I order a new motor online, however, I am told that because it isn’t an essential product it may not be shipped till May 15. I bought it anyway. The next day I had an email saying it had been SHIPPED? You never know.

3rd project: If you sometimes stay in your pj’s till noon these days you find them in the wash often. Washing isn’t hard on those pj’s but the dryer seems to play havoc with the elastic. I put one pair on the other night and they promptly fell to the floor! Elastic definitely shot. I tried the second pair on and they did exactly the same. Yesterday I said, “enough procrastinating, these have to be fixed”. Now this is a major job for a seam ripper. There were at least four rows of stitching that holds the elastic in its channel. It took me two hours to get the elastic out and the extra thread picked away. No problem putting the shortened elastic in the channel I made. I knew the second pair of pj’s were too long so I cut the pj’s just under the elastic and made a new channel. Slipped the elastic in and Bingo, just perfect.

I just finished washing my golf clubs and putting everything into my golf bag without any problems. Hopefully the golf courses will open soon.

Social distancing on a putting green
Hope you are staying healthy and sane!! i had a chuckle reading your post this morning!!
Hi Jas. I’m glad you got a kick out of my post. I hope you are well and staying safe. I have not had to go OUT so far and I’m playing it safe.